Oh my gosh. Life has been such a whirlwind lately! I can't even believe all the amazing things that are happening.
Today, I started crying - because of chaos, stress, but mostly happiness. We are making such headway in our biggest dream! It's incredible to look back and see how rich our life is because of the wonderful people in it.
We spent the weekend at an adoption training in Salt Lake. We signed up for it about a month ago and (thank goodness) remembered it on Wednesday - three days before! I'm so glad we didn't forget and miss out. It was AMAZING. We were thinking about not going. It was a big time commitment and I'm going to be gone all next week... so, we were back and forth. But, like I said - AMAZING.
We arrived on Friday, ready to learn but kinda "meh" about the whole thing. Like, what could we really learn? Find a birth mom, get a lawyer, pay the money, and boom - we get a baby. Right?
This whole training featured me laughing, crying, freaking out, and feeling so pumped and ready. I was a mess. But, what's new?
We heard from maybe 15 or 20 different people. Case workers, adoptive parents, adoptees, birth moms, biological moms, lawyers, people who have been spammed (spammed?!), everyone! Anyone! We learned about profiles and etiquette in the adoption world. We learned from some peoples' mistakes. We learned what to say and what not to say.
Thank goodness we learned about all different resources and people to go to for help. The best, most comforting thing we took away from it all is that we have so many people rooting for us. We feel like we're part of this new "adoption" world. The best part is that anyone can be part of it! Some people there hadn't ever adopted, they weren't adopted themselves... they were just passionate about it all.
We learned that adoption isn't just an event. It's an on-going, life-changing, constant, forever thing. Birth moms don't just fade away. Kids don't just "forget" they were ever adopted. It's not how it used to be. Adoption lasts forever. No one keeps it a secret. It's something to be proud of. It's a wonderful thing!
More often than not (well, almost always), people have "open adoptions." The birth mom is part of these children's lives. And, just as important, she's part of the adoptive parents' lives. Birth moms are family. Now, there are different versions of open adoptions. But, I love that it's the norm.
Being adopted isn't something to be ashamed of. Its not something to keep secret. In face, its not healthy for children who were adopted to not know where they come from - or WHO they come from. Its ok to talk about it! Pregnancy isn't in every mother's plan. Motherhood isn't always in ever woman's plan - at least not at certain times.
Placing a child for adoption is a brave, selfless thing. I can't believe the love and selflessness these expectant mothers and birth mothers have. I'll tell ya though... I'm grateful for it.
So, if you're interested in knowing more - of if you're at all tied to the adoption world, get educated. There is so much good in the world of adoption.
Want to know what I'm most excited about after this weekend?
Go look! <<< Click riiiight there!
Share our profile! Help us get the word out! We are ready to meet our expectant mother and get the ball rolling!!
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Wow! I had no idea that "adoption conferences" were a thing! That's so cool though! My husband is adopted. His parents had a closed adoption, and he LOVES his parents but would still really like to meet his birth parents someday if it were ever an option. I guess only time will tell. Good luck with the whole process!